Want to share Vested?
The Vested Orientation online course and its PowerPoint slides part of the University of Tennessee’s Open Source Material. We encourage individuals to share our Open Vested® Material to share the Vested methodology and principles.
You may use some or all of the slides under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives license. We ask that you please provide attribution when using this material, and that you do not alter the PowerPoint deck in terms of template, background, colors or the Vested images used.
You may modify the Open Source Material for non-commercial use under the following Terms of Use Agreement. General Guidelines include:
- If you use Open Source Material in your own document (e.g., putting content into your own PPT template), you must provide the following attribution: “Source: Used with permission. Vested®. www.vestedway.com. Vested Outsourcing, Inc.”
- The word “Vested” must always be written with an uppercase “V.”
- The word “Vested” is to be used throughout any presentation, unless you are referring to the outsourcing industry, in which case the words “Vested Outsourcing” must be used.
- “Vested Outsourcing” must not be abbreviated as “VO.”