The discussion surrounding Vested is growing all the time. There is increasing interest in the concept with how it can play a positive role in creating a better narrative/discussion and in how it serves to bring together clients, operators and consultants. It still has some way to go but more are wanting to learn and understand.
Naturally many believe that they operate in a vested manner but there is a key skill set and behaviours which are needed to ensure success. For those who do believe that they operate in such a manner, most operations and contracts still resort back to the traditional approach.
The Vested discussion is playing an important role beyond the actual direct vested piece. It is bringing together consultants from across different markets and it is raising the bar of the discussion re the relationship between operator, client and consultant. This is helping generate a new narrative and a stronger understanding of how all can work better together, almost beyond Vested. There is an importance, therefore, to ensure that this process is extended and goes to another level.
We are proposing a series of events which begin to create an on-going agenda of discussion on Vested which does bring together a major nucleus of experts to promote the concept. The idea is to build ever greater awareness and understanding and gradually more will engage.
The recorded interviews have been well received and served a good purpose as will the new website. The next step is to create an on-going process of engagement through events – preferably live but which can also be virtual. We will bring together the many global experts who have been involved in Vested to talk and discuss the future of Vested through open events.
In time, it would be the aim to host events in different cities promoting and discussing Vested with clients. In the short term, the aim is to start online in early 2022 and then with a series of events in London later on in the year which bring together the likes of clients, corporate service providers, consultants and operators.