Many of you probably remember the bestselling book Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher and William L. Ury, and its influential take on negotiation and cooperation. I’m thinking about this book today in a couple of respects. First, it was published about 20 years ago at about the same time that modern outsourcing began to […]
Citizen Times, June 2010
Western Carolina University Professor Hollye Moss recently reviewed “Vested Outsourcing: Five Rules That Will Transform Outsourcing.” Professor Moss described the books as “well-written, easy to read, and thought-provoking. It just may change the way you do business.” in her her review titled “How To Outsource Your Business To Success.”
CIO, June 2010
Stephanie Overby, of CIO Magazine, details 7 practical tips outsourcing researchers have gathered for more productive, profitable, and peaceful outsourcing relationships between customers and services providers from the work of economist and Nobel Prize winner Dr. Oliver Williamson.
The Five Rules: Laying the Foundation – What’s in it for We?
Any Vested relationship flourishes best in a culture in which participants work together to ensure their mutual success. While many organizations boast that they have solid partnerships in place, the University of Tennessee’s experience and research has found that most organizations really want to enhance and push their own self-interest. This is often known as […]
Ailment 11 – New Sheriff in Town Syndrome
You know the scenario. The new sheriff rides into town, wants to clean up and make a name for himself…most often leaving dead bodies in his wake. In the movies the new sheriff is usually the good guy, as in Gary Cooper’s Oscar-winning turn in High Noon, and the bad guys become the dead bodies […]