If you are a small-to-medium size enterprise (SME) let me assure you that the Vested Outsourcing performance-based model of collaboration, flexibility and innovation is just as relevant to your business as it is to the Microsofts and Jaguars of the world. In fact, applying vested principles and the Five Rules is perhaps even more important […]
Out with the Old (Thinking); In with the New (Thinking)
Maybe businesses should consider adopting New Year’s Resolutions: “We will be smarter as we get leaner.” “We will consider profit levels of our customers as well as our own.” “We will work toward Win-Win strategies with our partners.” Genuine objectives, made to improve relationships and build capacity. A little too much mushy thinking, you […]
Lawyers: Can’t Live with Them, Can’t Live without Them?
I’ve been thinking about the global economy, outsourcing, lawyers and trust lately, and no, that is not as crazy-making or schizophrenic as it may sound. I often talk about the mindset changes that Vested Outsourcing brings to the forefront in the world of business and outsourcing. For many companies the Five Rules require huge changes […]
Bid Low at Everyone’s Peril
The following is a Guest Post from Jeanette Nyden, author of Negotiation Rules! A Practical Approach to Big Deal Negotiations (on sale at Amazon). She is also a co-author of the next Vested Outsourcing book, scheduled for publication next September. While it’s true that scrambling to be the lowest bidder on a job is a […]
Logistics Quarterly, Nov 2010
In their article “Playing to Win“, Kate Vitasek and Mike Ledyard outline what it takes to build stronger relationships and gain greater value from your outsourcing relationships. In a nutshell, Kate and Mike explain how best companies WIN at the game of outsourcing their supply chain.
Logistics Times, Oct 2010
How do best companies win at outsourcing their supply chain? Find out in the article “Playing to Win” by Kate Vitasek and Mike Ledyard.
Outsourcing’s Different Box
I read an excellent post this month from Peter Bregman on the Harvard Business Review blog site, “If You Want to Be Original, Start from a Different Box.” It’s an excellent twist on the old think-outside-the-box refrain. Bregman, CEO of the global management consulting firm Bregman Partners Inc., speaks, writes and consults on leadership. He […]
Collaborate for Value
I’ve been thinking about the term “negotiation” quite a lot lately and what it means for outsourcing in general and Vested Outsourcing in particular. For instance, I’ve questioned whether negotiation is really the right word to use when talking about creating a vested relationship. In a recent post I advised that parties shouldn’t negotiate, they […]
Don’t Negotiate! Collaborate for the Win-Win
It seems there is never a simple negotiation. The term “negotiation” itself connotes that the parties involved have differences of opinions and are sitting across the table from each other discussing positions and trade-offs. Some even view negotiations as a pejorative euphemism – something that should be approached with suspicion or trepidation. A necessary evil […]
Vested Outsourcing Trends Up
I’m often amused by yearly trend lists. For one thing, there’s so many of them in the outsourcing and supply chain sector. With all those trends trending along and multiplying each year, what happens to the previous year’s trends? Or the trends from the year before? Are they no longer trends? Do they go to […]