Kate Vitasek’s, author of “Vested Outsourcing – Five Rules That Will Transform Outsourcing,” newest article “A New Way to Outsource” appears on Forbes.com. In the article, Kate walks you through why vested outsourcing is a game changer and how companies can use vested outsourcing.
Supply Chain Europe, May/June 2010
Want to know how Vested Outsourcing works? For two companies, Jaguar and Unipart Logistics, Vested Outsourcing has worked for two decades and continues to work for them. Read about “The Five Golden Rules To Transforming Outsourcing Partnerships” that Jaguar and Unipart Logistics has been following.
Vested Wisdom from a Lawyer
After coming down (mostly) on the side of economists over lawyers for negotiating contracts in my post last week, I thought it would be only fair to mention a notable exception on the lawyer side of the ledger, George Kimball, an author and outsourcing attorney. Kimball is a long-time specialist in outsourcing, whose latest book, […]
Lawyer or Economist? Pick Your Poison
It may seem counter-intuitive – or even counter-productive! — to invite an economist to negotiate your next 3PL contract, as recommended by Adrian Gonzales in a Logistics Viewpoints blog entry earlier this month. But would you rather have a lawyer do it? Really? Gonzalez does make a point, and in entertaining style, featuring background music […]
Performance-based Contracts Perform
My Contract Management magazine arrived recently with even more evidence that a vested, collaborative approach to managing difficult contracts – or solving difficult problems – results in success on a huge scale. Most of us grew up hearing about the controversies surrounding the Rocky Flats Plant near Denver, a U.S. nuclear weapons production facility that operated […]
CEO Magazine, May 2010
A collaborative business model can bring transformational value to both the firm outsourcing and its service provider. Kate Vitasek, founder and lead researcher in the concept of vested outsourcing, explains all in her article titled “Vested Outsourcing: Five Rule That Will Transforms Outsourcing.“
Even Some Big Guys Need a Lesson in Vesting
When a manufacturer suffers recurring production delays due to parts shortages along its supply chain it’s a big problem. When this happens to a company like Boeing, which is trying to launch a major new product – the 787 Dreamliner – it reveals a costly and endemic problem that can verge on disaster. Randy Tinseth, […]
Picking Up on Vested Outsourcing
It’s really great to see corporate executives singing the praises of Vested Outsourcing for it’s transformational impact on how companies approach outsourcing. A recent post on Brown’s Compass Online website from Brad Mitchell, the UPS president of distribution and logistics, proclaims Vested Outsourcing is one of the Top 5 trends in logistics. Mitchell sings the vested […]
Getting to Happy Hour on Liquor Distribution
There are valid reasons for a state to control where liquor is sold but there is very little reason I can see for a state to be in the business of warehousing and transporting it. That’s better left to the logistics experts in the private sector. This is becoming an issue in the state of […]
Achieving Value through Contract Terms: It is Possible
If you’re in outsourcing then you know about the importance of the contract. The contract is the essential foundation, but it’s not a document that exists in vacuum. Equally essential is the art, attitudes and techniques that go into achieving the best contract possible, and then proactively managing it over its term. That is where […]