I often teach, talk and write about the 10 Ailments that can disrupt, derail or even destroy an outsource or business relationship—and many of these ailments relate either directly or indirectly to the foibles of measuring performance. A recent post by Paul Michelman on the HBR Blog Network stresses the necessity of getting the metrics […]
APQC SCM Community Call Webinar — October, 2012
SCM Community Call September 2012: Vested – How P&G, McDonald’s and Microsoft are Redefining Winning in Business Relationships By Kate Vitasek October 1, 2012 In the presentation, Kate Vitasek shares the real stories of how organizations are using a Vested approach to achieve award winning results by redefining how they “win” in their business relationships. […]
Vested: One Size Fits All
The latest Vested book released this month, Vested: How P&G, McDonald’s and Microsoft are Redefining Winning in Business Relationships, examines how real-life, real-time companies use the Vested approach of collaboration, creating and sharing value, trust and innovation to achieve amazing long-term success. But this win-win formula is not just for the big companies named in […]
Supply & Demand Chain Executive — September, 2012
Introduction to “Academics of Outsourcing” The first in a monthly series for SDCE on the academic thought leaders who, over the years, did the initial spadework on concepts such as the structure of the firm; credible contracting; market forces; game theory; free markets; performance management; and flexible, collaborative contract governance. Here’s the article link: http://www.sdcexec.com/blog/10735027/introduction-to-academics-of-outsourcing
Bloomberg Radio’s “Taking Stock” — Sept. 19, 2012
Kate Vitasek Discusses `System First Thinking’ (Audio) Sept 20, 2012 Kate Vitasek, co-author of “Vested,” discusses creating winning relationships in business. Vitasek talks with Bloomberg’s Pimm Fox and Courtney Donohoe on Bloomberg Radio’s “Taking Stock.” Download
Palgrave Macmillan Business E-Newsletter — Sept. 2012
Read Kate Vitasek’s brief Q&A session with Macmillan. Q. There is a lot of buzz lately about “shared value.” Can you describe what that is and how it fits into what you are doing with your work on Vested and Vested Outsourcing? Shared value principles establish economic value in a way that creates value for […]
Watch and Listen about Vested on Fox and Bloomberg!
Today’s the big day for the release of the latest Vested book, Vested: How P&G, McDonald’s and Microsoft are Redefining Winning in Business Relationships, by myself, Dr. Karl Manrodt with Jeanne Kling. It’s a book that takes Vested from concept to practice, with organization case histories based on exclusive interviews with people who are using […]
Haque and Caffeine-fueled Collaboration
Umair Haque, the always engaging and thought-provoking economist, hit the nail squarely this week in his HBR blog on the importance of teamwork, collaboration and achieving synchronicity for business success. He poses this question: “If you were the next Steve Jobs, what problems would you try to solve?” He relates a personal story about his […]
Outsource Magazine — September 2012
Ronald Dworkin: trust and treating each other as equals By Kate Vitasek This month’s column features big thinker Ronald Dworkin. I like Dworkin because he tackles and integrates major ideas in ethics, morality, equality, justice and the “unity of value.” One of his most famous of many books is entitled Justice for Hedgehogs…
A Game Theory Power Play — UK Style!
I often use game theory and the prisoner’s dilemma in my talks to share the advantages and disadvantages of cooperation. In the prisoner’s dilemma “players” are not in the same room and are unable to negotiate and have to make choices on whether to cooperate or not based on rewards. There are three simple outcomes. […]