I came across an interesting post from Lance Stewart, supply chain manager for Genera Energy.
Lance wrote, “I firmly believe that staying current in any profession requires constant education so I have been attending several of the University of Tennessee’s Global Supply Chain Management courses to keep on the forefront of our global economy’s rapidly evolving supply chain.”
He shared how one of the sessions introduced him to Vested and my book, Vested Outsourcing: Five Rules That Will Transform Outsourcing. In his blog he talked about how Vested principles can incentivize performance by the company’s contractors. He then goes on to note how a Vested approach would be highly relevant if applied to the biomass supply chain, because “in this business, high quality feedstock and operational efficiencies are paramount.”
My reaction? I’m thrilled to see that Vested research and principles have sparked new thinking at Genera. In addition it demonstrates how Vested applies to small niche chains as well as the big ones, and can play an important role in the growth of the renewables sector, which will be vital for our energy future.
As Stewart notes: “You never stop learning.” And the good news is that Vested provides plenty of learning opportunities with six dedicated courses (four online, two on-site in Knoxville), so Lance can continue his learning journey and maybe one day become a Certified Deal Architect.
Image: Biomass bale from Genera Energy website