You hear a lot about transformation these days – what it is, how to do it and why it is needed to keep ahead in a dynamic business world.
An article by strategic transformation consultants Marcia Daszko and Sheila Sheinberg looks deeply into the critical need to really understand transformation and what it entails. The title is apt: “Survival is Optional: Only Leaders With New Knowledge Can Lead the Transformation.” They write that transformation is an overused and misunderstood word in organizations: “Unfortunately, few individuals understand transformation or why there is an imperative for transformation, not merely incremental or transitional change. Often, people confuse transformation with any kind of change, technology breakthrough, innovation, process improvement or transition. However, few changes are truly transformational.”
They continue: “Transformation is the creation and change of a whole new form, function or structure. To transform is to create something new that has never existed before and could not be predicted from the past. Transformation is a ‘change’ in mindset. It is based on learning a system of profound knowledge and taking actions based on leading with knowledge and courage.”
When I read that I said wow! – that summarizes the transformative power of Vested Outsourcing! Vested embraces and implements the “new knowledge” that Daszko and Sheinberg write about.
Daszko and Sheinberg identify five elements involved in the transformation process: Awakening, Vision, Method, Learning, and Integration.