When a new year comes around, you know what happens: historians highlight the past, pundits ponder the future, and various lists about the best and worst of the year abound. As I said last year at this time I wonder whether it is all more entertaining patter than productive reflection or context.
As we head into 2015 preparing our various lists, I’m reminded of the wise words of Charles Darwin: “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
One big change for Vested this year is that I’ll be a regular contributor to Forbes.com, writing on—you guessed it!—the art, science and practice of highly collaborative business relationships. The first post will appear on January 5, so I’ll hope you join me in the coming year on that space as well as here.
I’m looking forward to what 2015 and beyond will bring as more and more people join the movement to create real change through Vested collaborations!
Happy New Year!
Image: Happy New Year 2015 by Lenabem-Anna J. via Flickr cc