Having trouble with your outsourcing relationships? Uncertain exactly what ails you? In the article, “10 Ailments of Outsourcing Relationships” written by Vested Outsourcing lead researcher Kate Vitasek and co-author Mike Ledyard, Kate and Mike detail some of the most common reasons why outsourcing relationships fail.
Global Services, June 2010
As a co-author of a new book entitled ‘Vested Outsourcing’, Kate Vitasek, a leading academic from the University of Tennessee, outlines the ten key ailments that commonly afflict outsourced partnerships and presents five golden rules for success in her article titled “ The Five Golden Rules To Transforming Outsourcing Partnerships.”
Citizen Times, June 2010
Western Carolina University Professor Hollye Moss recently reviewed “Vested Outsourcing: Five Rules That Will Transform Outsourcing.” Professor Moss described the books as “well-written, easy to read, and thought-provoking. It just may change the way you do business.” in her her review titled “How To Outsource Your Business To Success.”
CIO, June 2010
Stephanie Overby, of CIO Magazine, details 7 practical tips outsourcing researchers have gathered for more productive, profitable, and peaceful outsourcing relationships between customers and services providers from the work of economist and Nobel Prize winner Dr. Oliver Williamson.
Forbes, June 2010
Kate Vitasek’s, author of “Vested Outsourcing – Five Rules That Will Transform Outsourcing,” newest article “A New Way to Outsource” appears on Forbes.com. In the article, Kate walks you through why vested outsourcing is a game changer and how companies can use vested outsourcing.
Supply Chain Europe, May/June 2010
Want to know how Vested Outsourcing works? For two companies, Jaguar and Unipart Logistics, Vested Outsourcing has worked for two decades and continues to work for them. Read about “The Five Golden Rules To Transforming Outsourcing Partnerships” that Jaguar and Unipart Logistics has been following.
CEO Magazine, May 2010
A collaborative business model can bring transformational value to both the firm outsourcing and its service provider. Kate Vitasek, founder and lead researcher in the concept of vested outsourcing, explains all in her article titled “Vested Outsourcing: Five Rule That Will Transforms Outsourcing.“
Inbound Logistics, May 2010
Vested Outsourcing’s lead researcher, Kate Vitasek, makes the case for “Why You Should Vest With Your Outsourcing Partners, Now!“.
Procurement Leaders, May 2010
Kate Vitasek, author of “Vested Outsourcing – Five Rules That Will Transform Outsourcing,” is a respected and vocal critic of the majority of outsourcing agreements. In this interview with David Rae, of Procurement Leaders magazine, Kate explains the term “vested outsourcing.”
UPS Blog Post, Apr 2010
Brad Mitchell, President of Distribution and Logistics for UPS, identified 5 supply chain trends for 2010 and named vested outsourcing as a trend to watch. Brad notes “this strategy is not appropriate for every third-party partnership, but when implemented under the right circumstances, it can result in a win-win proposition for both parties.”